This is really a place holder in lieu of a real article. What follows is a brain dump of references related to the class. I will follow up at a later date with a proper introduction and outline.
Class handouts:
Below is from an email I sent to someone with some relevant links.
Look at photo # 7 here:
This is the book I got much of the information from.
"The Coins of Mongol Empire and Clan Tamgha of Khans (XIII-XIV)" by Badarch Nyamaa. I’ve heard if you contact the author, he’s willing to sell period coins.
The flags I got from a few sources.
18 Song of a Nomad Flute:
(Scene 14 is the one I passed around, but the other scenes show some banners in other contexts. This is also the only documentation I know of for sheet walls around an encampment)
Scrolls of the Mongol Invasions of Japan
(A few excellent pictures of different flags, and even one boat with tamghas on their shields. Other juicy bits in here too like military formations with Korea foot soldiers doing a shield wall with scutum shields, gongs and drums on the battlefield, Mongol hair styles, cannon balls...)
The Ship picture I passed around was from:
The long thinner triangle banner I got from a period picture by Rashid Al Din, but I don’t have a reference handy.
*** found the reference: cavalry_large.jpg - Looks like a tamgha in the middle of it, hard to tell for certain. ***
The five colors representing directions I got from an unpublished paper from a lecture I attended. I should dig out a copy and ask the author if I can put it online.
© 2009 by Luigi Kapaj, in the SCA: Gülügjab Tangghudai (Puppy)
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